Pon Lee无酒精蜂胶液(30毫升)
Pon Lee是巴西蜂膠行業的開創者,成立於1986年。30年來累積了豐富的蜂膠萃取經驗和技術,結合了全套意大利進口設備和GMP質量體系流程,在技術和流程上保証了高品質蜂膠產品,不含防腐劑的綠色天然產品。**Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your...
$ 30.00
$ 19.99
Selected South America Wild Caught Dried Sea Cucumber - Small (1LB Gift Box)
Approximately 60 - 65 pieces per pound Sea cucumbers are echinoderms from the class Holothuroidea. They are marine animals with a leathery skin and an elongated body containing a single,...
$ 275.00
$ 200.00
Selected South America Wild Caught Dried Sea Cucumber - Medium (1LB Gift Box)
Approximately 50 -55 pieces per pound Sea cucumbers are echinoderms from the class Holothuroidea. They are marine animals with a leathery skin and an elongated body containing a single, branched...
$ 295.00
$ 220.00
American Ginseng Plus Korean Ginseng Gift Box Set
Best Choice for Holiday Gifts - Premium Quality American Ginseng Slice, American Ginseng Pearl Round Root and Koran Ginseng Gift Box Contains: 1 Box American Premium A Grade Ginseng...
$ 220.00
$ 159.99
Wild Caught Dried Sea Cucumber Plus Fish Maw Premium Gift Box Set
Wild Caught Dried Sea Cucumber Plus Fish Maw Premium Gift Box Set Gift Box Contains: 1 Box South America Wild Caught Dried Sea Cucumber (12oz) 1 Box Dried Fish Maw...
$ 550.00
$ 350.00
Dr. Formulated Multi Plus Stress and Mood (60 Capusles)
Description Supports a positive, calm & relaxed mood† Supports a healthy cortisol response† Helps with occasional stress† Digestive & immune health† Probiotic-Fermented “whole food” multivitamin Formulated with patented Liposomal Technology...
$ 45.00
$ 29.99
Dr. Formulated Multi Plus Brain Health (30 Capsules)
Description Supports optimal health plus memory and focus† Helps with tasks requiring complex attention† Improved cognitive flexibility/task switching† Supports visual (short-term) memory† Healthy response to stress† Digestive and immune health†...
$ 45.00
$ 29.99
Dr. Formulated Multi Plus Metabolism Support (30 Capsules)
Description Supports blood sugar metabolism to help maintain healthy blood sugar already within the normal range.† Helps kickstart your metabolism, enhancing the body composition benefits of your reduced calorie diet and regular exercise...
$ 45.00
$ 29.99
Dr. Formulated Multi Plus Beauty Complex (30 Capsules)
Description Helps support hair, skin, and nail health† Helps support healthy skin after sun exposure† Antioxidant vitamins A, C & E help protect your skin from damaging free radicals† Helps...
$ 45.00
$ 29.99
Dr. Formulated Multi Plus Energy Support (30 Capsules)
Description Delivers a gentle boost of energy.† Supports a healthy stress response.† Supports digestive and immune health.† Probiotic-Fermented “whole food” multivitamin Formulated with patented Liposomal Technology to support nutrient absorption† Clinically...
$ 45.00
$ 29.99
Dr. Formulated Multi Plus Heart Health (30 Capsules)
Description With 100mcg vitamin K2 MK-7 & B Vitamins for cardiovascular support† 1 Billion CFU* of clinically studied Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969™ to support healthy digestion† Probiotic-fermented whole food multivitamin Formulated by one of America’s...
$ 45.00
$ 29.99
石斛 (8盎司盒装)
性味: 味甘,性微寒。 归经: 归胃、肾经。* 功效: 石斛具有益胃生津,滋阴清热的功效,且有治疗舌红少苔,胃阴不足,口渴咽干,胃部隐痛,肾阴不足等作用。兼能清胃热。主要有益于热病伤津,烦渴,舌干苔黑之症。* Safety: Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use...
$ 75.00
$ 44.99
用于消化不良、食欲不振、胃酸过多,胀气等。*用法:成人每次1袋,一天三次。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 4.99
美国花旗参A級精选原尾大泡(4 oz 盒裝)
美国花旗参A級精选原尾大泡(4 oz 盒裝)
$ 60.00
$ 30.99
Solgar Advanced 40+ Acidophilus (120 Vegetable Capsules)
1.5 Billion Microorganisms Per Serving; Solgar Advanced 40+ Acidophilus is a source of beneficial microorganisms L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, L. paracasei, B. lactis and S. thermophilus Healthy Intestinal Flora; This...
$ 28.00
$ 18.99
位元堂养阴丸4.5克 (24包)
【位元堂】始创于清光绪二十三年(1897年),百年历史,源远流长;与时并进,不断革新。20年代,【位元堂】始创人之一潘厚存先生,研制出一种主治肺痨之秘方,选取上等珍贵药材配制成药,名声昭着。多项产品更屡获国家颁发奖状殊荣,并有「一条生路」之称誉,深受用家爱戴及信赖。 十大名牌 口碑载道。 【位元堂】于2001年工展会中荣获「香港十大名牌」之殊荣。* 适应症主要是身体虚弱的人,比如长时间患病的人,出现体质下降、中气衰弱、气血不足,都适合通过养阴丸进行缓慢的调整。养阴丸可以改善患者的精力,特别是对于改善营养、促进衰弱的器官恢复功能,都有很好的效果。很多患者长时间患病,或者是患有某些慢性疾病,会导致头晕、视物旋转、面色苍白、新陈代谢明显减慢、食欲下降,并且伴有生活、饮食的不规律,因为工作压力大、精神压力大等等,造成患者的亚健康状态,都适合养阴丸来调整。* 用法用量: 每日1次,每次1包,溫水送服 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease....
$ 75.00
$ 56.99