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加味逍遥散经常用于治疗压力,焦虑和压力相关症状。 就中医而言,焦虑,压力和抑郁是由肝气郁结引起的。 当肝气得到放松时,我们的情绪也得到放松,我们会感到更加平静和快乐。 佳味逍遥药草含有舒缓肝气,养血和改善血液流动的草药。* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


温补肾阳,壮腰生髓。有助于改善命门火衰所致的腰膝酸软,四肢发冷,脾胃虚寒,房劳过度。* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


归脾汤(又名归脾丸,归脾片,健脾方)是中医重要的中草药配方,可针对心脾功能不佳有补血养气之功效。* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


安神定志丸以茯苓、茯神、远志、人参养心安神为主,辅以石菖蒲、龙齿镇惊安神,补中有降,辰砂为衣重镇安神,诸药合用,共奏安神定志,益气镇惊之功。*用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out of reach...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


主要功效:帮助活血化瘀,行气止痛。* 用法用量:每次8粒,每天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


甘麦大枣汤,中医方剂名。为安神剂,具有养心安神,和中缓急之功效。主治脏躁。症见精神恍惚,常悲伤欲哭,不能自主,心中烦乱,睡眠不安,甚则言行失常,呵欠频作,舌淡红苔少,脉细微数。临床常用于治疗癔病、更年期综合征、神经衰弱、小儿夜啼等属心阴不足,肝气失和者。*用法用量:每次8粒,每天3次。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


支持心脏的健康。 镇定简单的神经张力,减轻偶尔的失眠并改善注意力。 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


黄连解毒汤是一种中草药配方,可以消火,排出毒素,清除湿热。* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


血府逐瘀汤(又名血府逐瘀丸,血府逐瘀丸,活血化瘀丸),是一种广泛使用的中草药配方,已有数百年历史,可增强血液流动,减轻胸痛和 祛瘀。 血府逐瘀汤可促进血液和肝气循环,减轻疼痛。 它特别适合缓解血瘀。* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during...
$ 12.99 $ 7.99


功能主治:舒筋通络,活血止痛。用于跌打损伤,闪腰岔气,筋断骨折,瘀血痛。*用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


柴胡疏肝散,中医方剂名。为理气剂,具有疏肝理气,活血止痛之功效。主治肝气郁滞证。胁肋疼痛,胸闷善太息,情志抑郁易怒,或嗳气,脘腹胀满,脉弦。*用法用量: 每次8粒,一天三次。孕妇禁用。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


六君子汤可帮助减轻疲劳,缓解体力不足,站立时减轻头晕等* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


左归丸(也称为左归片,左归隐,恢复左丸,左归丸,左侧补茶丸),是400年前发明的一种性保健草药配方。 它通常用于男性勃起功能障碍,女性不育,闭经(无月经),潮热,性欲低下和慢性腰背痛。 从中医的角度来看,该配方可帮助肾阴虚症,其症状包括夜尿,潮热,潮红的感觉和/或慢性低烧,头晕,耳鸣,精液排出以及上述任何主要症状。* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy....
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


益母草主要用于用于月经不调,痛经经闭,恶露不尽,水肿尿少,疮疡肿毒。**Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 25.00 $ 13.50


知柏八味丸是一种天然草药补品,可增强免疫系统的健康。* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


桃红四物汤为调经要方之一,是《玉机微义》转引的《医垒元戎》中的一个方子,也称加味四物汤,桃红四物汤这一方名始于见《医宗金鉴》。该方由四物汤加味桃仁、红花而成,功效为养血活血。*桃红四物汤以祛瘀为核心,辅以养血、行气。方中以强劲的破血之品桃仁、红花为主,力主活血化瘀;以甘温之熟地、当归滋阴补肝、养血调经;芍药养血和营,以增补血之力;川芎活血行气、调畅气血,以助活血之功。全方配伍得当,使瘀血祛、新血生、气机畅,化瘀生新是该方的显著特点。*用法用量: 每次8粒,一天三次。孕妇禁用。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50